Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Holocaust survivor Elisabeth Mann, tells us her story; she was the only one in her family to survive concentration camp.


  1. Elisabeth,
    My name is Gregory. I am deeply moved by your story of survival. I hope that you find in your heart that you had nothing to do with the death of your brother. Please take with you from this small note the fact that I will never forget and I will be sure to increase, exponentially, the number of people in this world to never forget. Never submit. Find peace dear woman. I will do all that I can to ensure it.

  2. Hello,
    I recently was lucky enough to hear your story at The Museum of Tolerance in LA. I was the girl in the very front row who was balling like a little kid. I will never forget your story, and I will always be thankful that I was able to hear fisrt-hand the trajedy of the Holocaust. Although I am not yet an adult and do not understand the ways of the world, I will never understand how any human could inflect that amount of pain unto another, let alone 6 million. Thank you so much, Sarah.

  3. Elisabeth-
    I am a 12 year old girl learning about the Holocaust. I find your story moving on many levels and I am writing a poem on you for the USCshoah foundation "Memory and Meaning" contest. The title of my poem is Don't Forget and I assure you I will live up to that title

  4. To bardzo ważne świadectwo historii .
    Historii o której nie możemy nigdy zapomnieć . Interesuję się życiem narodu żydowskiego w Polsce . Dużo czytam właśnie świadectw o holokauście i zachowaniu Polaków w stosunku do Żydów . Powinniście na swojej stronie zamieszczać jak najwięcej takich świadectw . Nagrywać ludzi ,którzy mieszkają na przykład w USA , a cudem przeżyli holokaust ewentualnie zostali uratowani przez dobrych ludzi. To bardzo ważne bo oni odchodzą i zabierają swoje przeżycia do grobu . Język angielski znam średnio , natomiast może ktoś odezwie się do mnie po polsku. Chętnie porozmawiam . Odwiedzam cmentarze żydowskie pozostałe na Ukrainie , synagogi , mam trochę zdjęć z tych wyjazdów . mój mail: rsobol@nowysacz.pl . Serdecznie pozdrawiam szczególnie bohaterkę filmu. Robert

  5. Hi, my name is Nikki Say,

    I want to say that i felt sorry about your family in the concertration camp.I hope that you will have a great life or year and to spend time with your husband.I think that you were brave to survive and the man in the photo frame was also a intelligent, brave, and honest person who ever save the jews.

  6. I met her the other day! She was so amazing and sweet. All she really wanted was for everyone to walk away and know that the Holicaust did happen and shes living proff. So amazing!!

    1. How did you meet her the other day ? She died in 2002 .

  7. I love you! this was so sad. We're watching it in class and we started crying!

  8. Dear Elisabeth,
    my respects to you. However as a German I wish to point out, that not all Germans were nasty, Hitlerlovers, no not at all, there were many Germans being tossed into concentration camps as well. My grandmother was trying to help a jewish neighbor, whose husband was killed by the Gestapo. They transported my Grandmother into Jail right away. If it was not for my grandfather having been wounded in war, having found out about my grandma's imprisonment, she would have been moved to a Concentration camp as well, for collaboration with Jews, many ill people, such as Mental Patients, Twins, People with physical retardment problems were sent to Concentration Camps as well. Hitler was a Dictator, EVERYONE not following his movement, was MOVED and DELETED in an instant, regardless of religion, nationality, hair or eyecolor and so on. Please do not misunderstand me, the Holocaust was most evil and demeaning to humanity, but please, not all GERMANS are Monsters. We may never forget, but we need to move on in history...

  9. hi im a student from meade middle school and i was moved by your story and now i know how much pain you have gone through and thank you for telling your story from , taylor hicks

  10. I seen Elizabeth a few years ago at the Museum of Tolerance in LA. I was so moved by her life. I was crying from the beginning of her talk until the I was home. I was telling everyone I know about her story. She is a very brave and strong women for living through everything she went through. Elizabeth Mann you are an inspiration and a hero in my eyes. Thank you so very much for sharing your story.

  11. Hello Elisabeth,
    My name is Katie, and I just wanted to say please don't feel guilty over the death of your brother. It's not your fault, you didn't know.

  12. You are a brave strong women and i admire you for being the kind of person you are. You are a hero, you survived a period of time of fear and misery. You are special and i hope you can realize that for yourself. My name is Hailee and I am 15 years old and you, Elisabeth are my hero. You give me hope, thankyou

  13. I Saw Her Today At The Museum Of Tolerance... You Are Very Brave To Be Telling Your Story To People... When You Said The Story About Your Brother I Felt So Sad... You Are A True Fighter!!! May God Bless You And May He Have Many More Years In Store For You.

  14. i am soooo sorry about everything. i cannot believe this happened to you. this really touched me and i am very proud of you. i look up to you now. you're a survivor and i think you can survive anything.

  15. I have been intrigued by this topic for a long time and im now a junior in high school and I really think this is an amazing story. You are a strong woman with so much pain behind your eyes and i feel it deep in my heart that the things you said have touched many people and i will never forget you becaus ei lost faith in life and i thought things were hard till i thought of what you and numerous others went through and i simply say no my life isnt hard at all. you are not to blame for your brothers death but the people who are will be held accountable for their harsh actions

  16. all the survivor stories make me cry.

  17. Elizabeth no human on this planet should ever forget the pain and suffering caused in the holocaust and we should constantly be reminded of how horrific the human nature can be. Least we not forget either many of these crimes continue in many countries around the world today in various forms. Human's unite in peace and harmony that is all we can pray for. Long life Elizabeth.

  18. - i'm 14 years old! i watched this & of course i was moved! i intentioly thought this just couldnt be! i love your storyy .

  19. This made me just cry how can someone do this to people and scar them for life. Make them have a memory they will never forget.
    Its not your fault your brother died its not anyones fault that all the people who died, died everyone dies for a reason but that reason wasnt the right one they never deserved to die that way no one and the children that never got to live their lives never got to grow up and have families breaks my heart

  20. Your story is very moving, I'm doing an essay over the Holocaust and it's so sad to hear all the video clips and see photos from that time. I'm truly sorry for the loss of your family, you are a very brave woman; never forget that!
